我有一个女朋友,她非常喜欢图书馆。每当我去找她的时候,几乎都可以在图书馆里找到她。她总是沉浸在书籍中,仿佛与世隔绝。在图书馆里,她可以找到各种各样的书,无论是小说、历史还是科学,都能让她着迷。她告诉我,图书馆是她再也找不到比这里更安静、更有魔力的地方了。我喜欢看她在图书馆里的样子,专注而安静,仿佛世界只剩下了她和那堆书。我知道,这里对她来说是一个能够获得安宁和满足的地方。I have a girlfriend who loves the library. Every time I go to find her, I can almost always find her there. She is always immersed in books, as if cut off from the world.In the library, she can find all kinds of books, whether it's novels, history, or science, that can captivate her. She told me that the library is a place where she can't find anywhere else that is quieter and more magical.I like to see her in the library, focused and quiet, as if the world only has her and that pile of books. I know that this is a place where she can find peace and satisfaction.
2024-05-20 00:17:59 台湾剧